Dead... and Back is a survival horror Role Playing Game. The Anarchy Zones is its official setting - aliens, reanimates, and the ruins of 2055 America.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Alternate D&B Setting: Unit 2552 Part Three


There are two main types of creatures produced by biopreparat. Chimeras are often (though not always) derived from non-human creatures and are built with semi-specific goals in mind. For example, an acid spitting cat like creature meant to sabotage military bases and equipment. The other type is Hematavores - former humans that have become vampire like creatures.

Hematavores are further split into five classifications:
  1. Relentless: Zombie like, but fast, with high tolerance of pain
  2. Cunning: Focused on a single target, a hard to kill assassin
  3. Sadistic: Stronger, slower, and more likely to continually desecrate bodies than move on.
  4. Serial: Capable of attacks over the course of weeks or months with little resupply.
  5. Infiltrator: Capable of speach, thought, and disguise
There is some variation within each category, but each is meant to fit a notable military function. Relentless ones are simple to create shock troopers mostly meant as bullet sponges for other soldiers. Cunning are for taking out specific targets and ignoring anything that doesn't physically get in its way. Sadistic and Serial are for anti-psychology operations - one leaves scenes of great brutality to demoralize the enemy, the other never gives them respite.Infiltrators are alternately super commandos, or personnel that can be re-used for menial tasks behind the front lines - freeing up the living to keep fighting.

Notably, none of the hematavores are notably superhuman. They don't feature armored skin, and can technically be killed without destroying the head. However, provided the right drugs (the ones used to control them - see below) they have a near infinite pain threshold and supply of adrenaline - a relentless type could probably run a marathon even after both legs were shot off at the knee.

A body needs to be mostly intact to be used for the hematavore process. They will usually be stitched up and clothed as needed, so the end result is a fairly normal looking person, though some might show heavy scarring depending on the end of their former life. Sadistic and Relentless types are the notable exceptions.
   Sadistic types end up a bit larger, looking more like body builders, though often wires, tubes, or small boxes can be seen just under the skin - something is quite obviously wrong.
   Relentless types have even more machinery sticking out of them, and large layers of subcutacious fat to sustain them - a ready to deply one appears quite corpulent. Meanwhile, one that has been operating in the field will be gaunt in most areas, with folds of skin hanging from others. At almost no point do they have what seems to be healthy proportions, but since they don't need to sleep - are often used at night when the enemy is less likely to notice.

There are two main physical restrictions on the creatures produced by Biopreparat.

Hematavores drink blood - hence the name - but not necessarily for food. Despite the occasional off-the-wall attempt, no supernatural creatures have proven possible, and from a natural standpoint, very few things can subsist on blood alone. However, they are conditioned to need it as one of the

What they do actually require is certain types of drugs. The cellular regeneration rates of the creatures is limited without certain strong stimulants - limiting their capacity to repair damage. This also means that they should have a limited life span of a few months to years.Secondly, they need other chemicals to keep them from collapsing in pain and shock - a precaution that can limit some types to as little as two weeks of operation.

Unfortunately, many of the drugs were either already common ones adapted to other purposes, or have certain analogs more common than the actual type. A hematavore that can find a supply of cocaine, heroin, certain anti-depression medications, Attention Deficit Disorder treatments, PCP and a number of other possibilities, circumvents the main chemical controls.

Basic Hematavore Stats:
Before the additional surgeries, chemical augmentation,and training, all hematavores start with a simple template. Although such basic creatures could exist, they are not notably aggressive an a minimal threat.
  • Stregnth: 3
  • Tech: 2
  • Quick: 2
  • Wits: 1
  • Close Combat: 3
  • Ranged: 1
  • SDI: 2
  • Necrotic Threshold*: 2
  • NecroPoints: 1
Relentless Type: 
   SDI increased to three, Quick to four, and two NP rather than one
    Wits 2, Ranged 3
    Strength to Five, Close combat four, SDI three
    Wit 2, NP 6, NT 2
    Tech, quick, wits, ranged attack, and NP to three. Often smart enough to acquire body armor raising SDI as well.

*To clarify Necrotic Threshold - the creature ignores a number of otherwise successful hits, but otherwise loses NP like animus (though usually without slowing down).
   For example, against an NT 2 SDI 2, NP 2 creature is attacked by a character with Ranged Attack 4 and an DR 3 weapon. 4d6 is rolled, and the result is 2,6,6,6 - three hits. However, the NT reduces this to only one success, meaning the stats are now NT2 SDI 2 NP 1.
   Generally speaking, a high SDI means the creature in invulnerable to lesser weapons and a specific area must be destroyed. NT is usually coupled with low SDI, means it can be wounded, it just takes a lot of damage before dying.
   No amount of rifle bullets will destroy a tank, but a hit to its weak armor on the rear with a man-portable rocket will ruin the vehicle. An airplane can be shot down with a machine-gun, but a lot of holes need to be made assuring vital systems are compromised.

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